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Key Tips on How to Clean Your Replica Championship Belt

You have a spent a fortune to acquire your dream replica belt. It is now in your possession and taking care of it is one of the ingredients for giving it a longer life. So how exactly do you clean and preserve your belt? Here are the key tips and without further ado let us dig in!

Generally a soft, lint free cloth will do the trick to keep your new belt looking good. If it has been handled excessively and needs more than just a soft cloth, use a spray-on window cleaner such as Windex, this will do the trick and will not damage your plating.

For Gold Plated Belts?

If you have a gold or dual plated belt, then you should not use polishes of any kind, only the window cleaner. Polishes will damage or remove all your gold plating!!! Most belt sellers will not take responsibility for repairing these damages or any other abuse free of charge.

For Nickel Plated Belts?

If your belt is only plated in nickel, the window cleaner should still do the trick, but I also recommend Mother’s brand Mag & Aluminum polish if you have let your belt get dull by not keeping it clean.

The trick is to use it sparingly and not let it get deep into the etched grooves of your belt where it will be hard to remove. Once again, that advice is only for nickel plated belts!! Mother’s brand polish will remove the gold on your dual or gold plated belts so do not use it on them!!!

For extremely dirty plates apply a sparing amount of Mothers Carnauba Cleaner Wax, work it in, and remove with a clean cloth. Do not get this on your leather - it won’t destroy the leather but it’s hard to get off.

How Do I clean My leather?

When it comes to caring a black leather, the trick is simple: That is If you do not abuse your belt. We have an original black belt strap from our store that is 16 years old and it has never been re-dyed. If your belt is white or any other bright color, be sure to not let anything come in contact with it that will show up on it. Bright colors will wear much easier and the acrylic dyes used usually show some cracking up close. This is normal. If you use any type of cleaner to try to clean an acrylic dyed strap, you will most likely smear the color of the strap. This includes window cleaner that can be used on the plates. don't let it get on your brighter colored straps, only on the plates.

How Do I store My Belt?

The biggest mistake many belt owners do is storing their belts in the velvet bags! This bag should only be used for transport and buffing the plates and leather. Your belt can get wet with sweat and water.

Storing the belt in the bag can lead to fungus and damage to the leather and plates. Let air get to the belt after use and keep it clean.

There you have folks! and thank You for buying from us!

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